If you could please take two seconds of your day and do this simple experiment it would make my day. So roll up your sleeve and keep your arm strait while touching your elbow. Now feel that nerve? That is called your ‘funny bone’. Now technically that’s called your ulna nerve, but a lot of people think that it’s an actual bone. So I want to interest you in some interesting facts about it.
When you put your arm down on the table and have a feeling like pins and needles are getting stabbed into your fingers, what actual just happened is that your ulna is trapped between your bone and the overlying skin, pinching the nerve ending the blood flow to your fingers. But don’t you think that it’s funny that a nerve with a funny name is nicknamed a funny name while the bone right below it is the humerus (humorous). But that isn’t the only pun that is used almost every day. If it’s raining someday, somebody in the world will say, it’s raining cats and dogs outside.
So what I want people to remember most from my blog, is that no matter whether it’s raining cats and dogs, or you hit your funny bone, that those technically can’t happen (although it would be pretty cool to see dogs falling from the sky), they are pretty awesome sayings and you should use at least 10 everyday7 this week. Ya know what that’s a dare. I dare you to use 10 puns every day this week.
This week I commented on I Like Cake (aka Will's) Blog.
Wow, I never actually knew that about the 'ulva'. Haha very funny name for a very funny nerve.