Monday, January 11, 2010

So, What Does it all Mean?

China will soon become the number one English speaking country in the world. Now why do I think they will become number one? Because China is teaching English in school, as a second language? No the reason for this is because of the sheer numbers in China. They estimate that there are 1 338 612 968 people in China today! In the next couple of paragraphs I'm going to talk to you about what this means.

The profound number of people in China could mean good things and bad things. The bad things could include increased rate of crime, more/bigger gangs and deadly fights. This may mean war for the countries surrounding and including China. This could turn out to become a repeat of the Rwandan Genocide. The good things could include more companies, more jobs and more produces. This would help the world get out of the global depression that we are in.

Even though Mandarin and Spanish are the most spoken languages in the World, English is still the most globally spread language. The Chinese are preparing their children to be able to speak the 'World' language (English) and one of the most common languages (Mandarin). China is also doing this because when you read English, you go left to right, when you read Mandarin, you go right to left, so it may be hard to learn something, backwards. This is why I think that China wants to learn English, now with their kids rather than later while being adults.

There was another quote I read that said, 'If you are one in a million in China, they are 1 300 people just like you.' So if one person knows English per million, in China, that means that there are 1 300 people that know English, and there are more than one person per million who already speak English. So in conclusion, I think that this means that China is just this huge that, in a few years there could be millions of rankings that are first in China, population wise.

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