Monday, May 31, 2010

Which School?

Wow, hasn’t the year gone by fast? For being the new, leaders and having a lot of weight on all of our shoulders, I think that I have done very well. We had sixteen kids in our class at the beginning of the year, but ended with seventeen, with the great addition of Fabian. We are going to be the last grade 8 class in middle school because of the new changes, making our grad a last too. I have also experienced personal changes, like getting ready to move to a new school.

Now from my experiences at both of the schools I’ve been at this year, Waterloo Collegiate Institute and St. John’s-Kilmarnock School, I’m not sure what I want to do, stay here with all of my friends or go to a school with the highest ranking in Waterloo and Wellington District School Boards. Of course I would love to stay at SJK because there a lot of my friends are there, but at WCI there will be a lot of kids that I already know from hockey, lacrosse or other sports so they are even there. In academics, WCI is very highly ranked and rated also have full AP and pre-AP programs in math, science and English while having pre-AP at grade 10 and 11 and AP at 12 in French. They have an English learners program and a magnet strings program bringing kids from across Waterloo and Wellington Regions. SJK has the distinction of being a private school and having very low teacher to student ratios, except that there aren’t that many kids here, not letting them offer more full-time programs like technology, media and wood shop. But there are some perks to having a small class: more teacher-to-student time and there is less potential to have distractions.

Now I know that I have already made the choice to go to WCI, but what would you have done if you where in my position and could go to any school you wanted to go to? Would you have stayed at SJK or left? Why? But I know that I already made mine but your life may be completely different than mine so its your choice.

Please leave your answer in the comment boxes below, and this week I commented on Andrew’s Blog.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Social Network 'Take-Over'

Now usually, I go home, after track or soccer practice, and have dinner and get going usually to a sporting event, game, practice or dry land, so when you asked me how much I use social-networking sites, I would have to say that I probably use them the least out of class. So, as you may have already noticed, I don’t go on Skype, Facebook or MSN much, considering that I don’t have a Twitter account (yes Cassie I’m telling the truth!!). This week’s topic is on how social-networking has ‘taken over people’s lives, and they’re face-to-face social skills are diminishing.’ NOT! Mine is the opposite.

But when you think about other kids using these sites more than I do the one problem that comes to my mind is that I cannot communicate with other kids unless I go on to Skype or MSN. Well calling or texting works too. So this can create another problem, kids with parents that won’t let them have these accounts can only call or find them face-to-face and talk that way. But this problem has the same outcome as the first point I mentioned, face-to-face social skills are diminishing.

So, is the real problem the kids with the accounts or is it the parents that will not let their kids have the accounts. I think it’s the parents because it doesn’t matter if any one person has a Facebook, Twitter, Skype or MSN account both of the problems above will occur. So parents should just let their children have a MSN account so they can communicate with everybody.

I commented on Aureon's Blog this week.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Field vs. Box Lacrosse

This year is will be my third year of playing lacrosse, but when I say lacrosse most of you think of in an arena, short stick lacrosse with cross-checks and no-slashing. But there is this other thing called field lacrosse where some people of the field have 6 foot long stick and you can slash like crazy if the ball is 9 feet away from you. But I still don’t know all the tips and tricks of field yet, because this is my first year. So from two years of experience in box and four weeks of field experience, I’m going to try to compare the two sports.
Now when I first started field lacrosse, I didn’t know a thing about it other than thinking it was the same rules, basically, as box. But was I wrong! There are ten guys on the field versus the six on the floor and if you’re within nine feet of the ball, you can do pretty much anything to the person your beside. Now, being a big kid, I love the rule of pretty much cranking anybody, even without the ball, but some little kids are dirty so its not very pleasant, and I like having a full football field to run around on. So there are some of the differences between box and field lacrosse.
But box I think box is still much better and more awesome than field because… ah because… I don’t know but its just more fun, I guess its because it has that hockey atmosphere and you guys know how much I love hockey so there! And stop bugging me about it! Sheeeesh!
This week I commented on The Answer: 42's Blog on Xbox Failure.